UEC Account

Basic information

UEC account is the common account for using the various information systems within the campus.

ID format

First initial of name in alphabet + 7-digit number on back of staff card or student number. Please refer to UEC Account ID for details

Initial password

Please refer to UEC Account Password.

Expiry date

Up to two months from entrance date to graduation/end date


Up to 6 months from appointment date to retirement date


You have to complete Pledge for Using the UEC Information Systems and INFOSS e-Learning for Information Ethics to keep your UEC account activated. Please note that your UEC account will be restricted if you do not complete the INFOSS and ethics in 90 days since the activation date of your UEC account.

Issuing the UEC account

In principle, this will only be issue people carrying their student card or identification card (there may be some exemptions). There are no procedures for only issuing a UEC account.

Please contact the ITC below if you do not have an identification card. Please note that the ITC cannot accept applications for the issuing of identification cards.

For students

Academic Affairs Division (教務課)

For faculty (including researchers)

General affairs representative (総務企画課 総務係) (soumusoumu-k@office.uec.ac.jp)

Receiving your UEC account

You will receive a notice letter of UEC account that informs you of your ID and initial password of your UEC account at the following location. Note that students and faculties receive the letter at different location.



ITC office (East-3 Bldg., 4F)


Notification to your pre-registered personal e-mail address or Information Technology Center (4th floor, East Bldg. 3)

Graduate student


If you have not receive the account information, please stop by ITC Office (East-3 Bldg., 4F) with your student/staff ID card.

UEC Account ID

The account name of the UEC account only consists of lowercase and is mostly determined according to the following rules.


The first alphabet of your printed name +
(There may be some exceptions)

The number on the back of your UEC ID card (remove the last digit).


Student number


Name (reading)

Student number/Staff number

UEC account ID


Dentsu Taro




Dentsu Jiro




In principle, the characters at the start of your UEC account name will be your name in alphabet. Make sure to check that your UEC account name is correct when receiving it.

UEC Account Password

Initial Password for UEC Account

The default password shall be described in the notification email or notification form.

On issue of the UEC Account

The expiry period for the default password shall be 90 days.

When reissuing the password

The expiry period for temporary password is 30 days

Be sure to change your password from the パスワード変更ページ After changing your password, there will be no expiry date set for the new password.

If the deadline has expired, please follow the steps in Reissuing the UEC account password.


Depending on the situation related to password reissue, please note that a short expiry period may be set.

Changing your UEC account password

  1. Go to the パスワード変更ページ 学内 and login with your UEC account and current password.


Two factor authentication will be required when you access from off-campus network

For the first access

An authentication code for two-factor authentication will be sent to your personal private email address that you registered when you created your UEC account.

Other case

Confirm your authentication code with a two factor authentication method you set-up.

If you cannot receive/confirm the two-factor authentication code,please connect to the campus network using VPN (preconfiguration required) and change your password.

  1. Enter your new password in the password and enter again (password) fields and press the save button.


  • After changing your password, please log out of all the terminals and applications that you used to login with your UEC account, wait for about five minutes , and then log in again with your new password.

  • If you have lost your new password, please follow step Reissuing the UEC account password.


If we find a password that can be easily broken, we will alert you to your account. If the password is not changed by the due date, the user will not be able to log in.

Reissuing the UEC account password

Online Reissue


You will need to set up your e-mail address in advance. If you have not set up your e-mail address, you will not be able to make any changes using this method. If you are unable to login because you do not know your password, and you need to change your password, please use Reissuing the UEC account password to do so.

  1. Access this link and proceed to “Reissue Password”.

  2. Enter your “UEC account” and “Email address to be notified when password is reissued” and proceed to the next step.

  3. Enter the new password you wish to set, and a “password update key” will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the “E-mail address to be notified when password is reissued” field.

Re-issue at the Information Technology Center


Currently, as an emergency measure for remote lectures/work, we are accepting applications for reissuing of passwords by email. Please contact support@cc.uec.ac.jp from following email address:

  • Campus email (@edu.uec.ac.jp, @uec.ac.jp) address

  • Your personal private email address that you registered when you created your UEC account

  • Your email address that you usually use for contacting with the university

  • Your email address registerd in Student Information System (学務情報システム)

For security reason, we cannot accept requests sent form other than above emails.

If you forget password or password expires, you can reset your password..Please bring your UEC ID card (Student Card) at ITC Office (East-3 Bldg.,4F). We cannot accept requests regarding password by calls or emails. The new password will be expired in 30 days. Before then, please change the password at パスワード変更ページ.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

TwonAuthentication factor authentication is required in order to use the campus web system from an off campus network. Two factor authentication involves a second authentication method, following that of the UEC account ID and password.


On issue of the UEC Account

  • Those who receive the initial password by notification to their private email address

    The same email address is initially set as the two-factor authentication authentication code destination email address. If you would like to use a different method for two-factor authentication, please change the settings according to this explanation.

  • The person who received the initial password on paper

    After connecting to campus networks such as UEC Wireless on campus, you must follow the instructions in this manual to set up your own two-factor authentication settings

The following three methods are available as the second form of authentication.


If you are unable to set up your own settings, please contact the Information Technology Center at support@cc.uec.ac.jp. Please use one of the following e-mail addresses to contact us.

  1. Your name

  2. UEC account

  3. E-mail address for 2-factor authentication

Please contact us at one of the following e-mail addresses.

  • Campus email (@edu.uec.ac.jp, @uec.ac.jp) address

  • Your personal private email address that you registered when you created your UEC account

Please note that we cannot accept requests from other e-mail addresses for information protection.

Use Token App

This requires a token app to be installed on your mobile device. Common examples, such as the Google authentication system or Microsoft Authenticator may be used as the token app.

Register your UEC account in the token app in advance, and authenticate by 2FA, using the OTP (authentication code) displayed on the token app. Please see the following instructions.

  1. Press the 2 Factor Authentication Setup button on パスワード変更ページ , and check of Use a Token App .

  2. Refer to the mobile device manual and install the token app on the mobile device.

  3. Register a UEC account in the token app.

On the registration screen of the token app , enter the URL or scan the QR code.

  1. Click Next on the パスワード変更ページ , and enter the code displayed on the token app .Configuration will be complete once the entered code is confirmed to be correct.


The following error message may be displayed: 一部のサーバでユーザ情報の変更に失敗しました。システム管理者に連絡してください。 However, the 2FA configuration itself will still have been completed successfully.This message is displayed if a user’s password has not been changed for a long period.If this is the case, please change your password immediately after the completing 2FA configuration on the パスワード変更ページ


The code can only be used for a short period of time; there is no need to make a note of it.

Send the Authentication Code via Email

After receiving an OTP (an authentication code) via a pre-registered email account, the user should authenticate with that OTP.

  1. Press the 2 Factor Authentication Setup button on パスワード変更ページ , and check of Use a Token App .

  1. Push 2 Factor Authentication Setup button on パスワード変更ページ ,and check of Senc Authentication Code by email.

Enter the email address you want to use for the two-step authentication settings



Please do not set your email address as UEC mail (@e-l.cc.uec.ac.jp ) or Dentsu University Gmail (@gmail-du.cc.uec.ac.jp ). If you delete your UEC account upon graduation, you may not be able to log in.

  1. Click Next and enter the OTP to complete the configuration.



The following error message may be displayed: 一部のサーバでユーザ情報の変更に失敗しました。システム管理者に連絡してください。 However, the 2FA configuration itself will still have been completed successfully.This message is displayed if a user’s password has not been changed for a long period.If this is the case, please change your password immediately after the completing 2FA configuration on the パスワード変更ページ

Display Backup Code

With this method, multiple OTPs (backup codes) are issued in advance; so please keep them safe by making a note or printing them out.One OTP is used for authentication as a backup code.Once a password is used for authentication, it is void and cannot be used to authenticate next time.

The instructions are as follows.

  1. Push 2 Factor Authetication Setup button on パスワード変更ページ , and check of Display Backup Codes .

  2. Click Next , and save 10 OTPs (backup codes) by printing or writing them down.


The following error message may be displayed: 一部のサーバでユーザ情報の変更に失敗しました。システム管理者に連絡してください。 However, the 2FA configuration itself will still have been completed successfully.This message is displayed if a user’s password has not been changed for a long period.If this is the case, please change your password immediately after the completing 2FA configuration on the パスワード変更ページ


2-factor authentication is carried out using the following procedure.

  1. Log in with your UEC Account ID and password.

  2. Select the pre-registered authentication method, and input authentication code as OPT.


OTPs sent via a token app or email can only be used for a short period of time. For the backup codes, each line describes one OTP. Once you used one OTP, the OTP expires immediately.


The data owned by the UEC account sometimes may be inaccessible or lost due to system failure or other reasons. You are responsible for keeping your data safe; thus the data must be backup regularly.

Backing up emails

ITC does not provide any official tools for backing up email. Please consider using the backup features of your email software. For details on backing up, follow the instruction manual of your software for backing up emails.

Backing up the home directory

Please copy the data in your home directory to another location regularly. Please refer to File Transfers for how to access the home directory.

Backing up UEC Disk

It is strongly recommended that you regularly copy the files and folders in UEC Disk to another location. Please refer to /file/uecdisk/index for how to access the files in UEC Disk.

Procedures on graduation, completion, or retirement for UEC Account

Please refer to Old \Rightarrow New UEC account migration if you are going on the graduate school or are newly employed in a different position.

Deactivating UEC Accounts

UEC accounts used by students who have graduated or completed their courses will be deleted after two months. UEC accounts used by faculty or staff who have retired will be deleted after six months. We cannot recover your data, such as files and emails, after deactivation after deletion.

In addition, there is no grace period for non-degree students (those whose third number from the left of their student ID number is 9). Please make sure to transfer your data before your graduation/termination date.

Backing up data and email

It is strongly recommended to take a backup of your data before your UEC account is deactivated. Please refer to Backup for how to back up data and information stored in the system provided by the ITC. If you have used systems from other departments with your UEC account, do not forget to back these up as well.

Disabling email forwarding

If you forward emails received by your UEC account’s email (@edu.cc.uec.ac.jp) to some other email addresses, disable the forwardingsettings. Please refer to メール転送 (非サポート) for how to disable forwarding.

Disable email alias (@uec.ac.jp)

Please refer to 別名アドレスの初期化 for how to disable the alias.

Old \(\Rightarrow\) New UEC account migration

If you are remaining at the university in a different position, such as going on to graduate school or being newly employed as faculty, you need to migrate the data and settings of your new/old UEC account by yourself before the old account is deactivated.


If your old UEC account is deleted, you no longer migrate your data to your new account. Thus please make sure that you have migrated your data before your old UEC account is deleted.

Migration of email data

ITC does not provide any official tools for migrating emails. Please consider using the general migration features of your email software. For details on migrating, follow the instruction manual of your email software.

Migration of email alias (@uec.ac.jp) settings

It is not possible to set one alias for multiple UEC accounts at the same time. If you want to keep the alias set by old UEC account, configure email forwarding according to the following procedure:

  1. Initialize the alias settings of the old UEC account.

Please refer to 別名アドレスの初期化 for how to perform the initialization.

  1. Set the same alias for the new UEC account

Please refer to 別名アドレスの設定/変更 for how to set the email alias.


The above 1. and 2. steps should be done without delay. If you have delay, the desired alias may be used by another user. In this case, ITC does not restore your alias.

Delete email account

Delete the old campus email account ( @edu.cc.uec.ac.jp ) from your email software.

Migrate data in your home directory

Before your old UEC account is deleted, you can migrate the data in the old home directory to the home directory of the new UEC account with the rsync command as follows:

  1. By following SSH, log in to sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp with your old account.

  2. Execute rysnc as following command line:

rsync -avz -e "ssh <新UECアカウント名@sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp>" <旧UECアカウントのホームディレクトリ>/ <新UECアカウントのホームディレクトリ>/


rsync -avz -e "ssh a1830000@sol.edu.cc.uec.ac.jp"  ~a1410000/  ~a1830000/


Be sure to add / at the end of the home directory path.

Migrate data in UEC Disk 2

Before your old UEC account is deleted, you can copy the data in UEC Disk 2 from the old UEC account to the new one.

  1. Log in UEC Disk 2 with your old UEC account.

  2. Share files and folders from your old UEC account to the new UEC account.

Please refer to Share files and folders with other UEC account users., for how to share file and folders.

  1. Log in to UEC Disk 2 with the new UEC account.

  2. Copy files and folders shared by the old account into the new UEC account.


When the old account is deleted, the files and folders shared by the old account will be disappear. Be sure to copy files and folders into some folder of the new UEC account.