UEC Mail Recipient Settings (@edu.cc.uec.ac.jp, @uec.ac.jp)¶
From March 2022, UEC mail (@edu.cc.uec.ac.jp, @uec.acjp) will be available not only on the university’s email reception server (imap.cc.uec.ac.jp), but also on University of UEC Gmail. But now I can receive it.
If you would like to receive emails from UEC Gmail as well, please set/change the recipient by following the steps below.
Proceed to integrated authentication login once, and then open the above page again after logging in.
Check the selected recipient and if there are no problems, press Update.
Confirmation of procedure completion and email reception
Once the recipient has been set correctly, a completion screen will be displayed. The settings are now complete. After updating the settings, the selected recipient will begin receiving emails in about one minute at most.
If you have specified UEC Gmail as your email recipient, please refer to UEC Gmail to check if you are receiving emails correctly.