Changing the license server reference method (Linux)

  1. Start a terminal (bash is used in this example).

  2. Add the following content to ~/.bashrc. If ~/.bashrc does not exist, please create a new one.

  1. Enter source ~/.bashrc.

  2. Enter env, 2. Confirm that the environment variable settings added in are output.

  3. Pass the path to the bin/ directory under the directory where MATLAB is installed (hereinafter referred to as $MATLAB) in ~/.bash_profile. In this example, MATLAB 2018a is installed in /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018/.

export PATH
  1. Enter source ~/.bashrc.

  2. Delete the license file $MATLAB\licenses that was temporarily used during installation. $MATLAB means the MATLAB installation folder.

  3. Start MATLAB by typing matlab in the terminal and confirm that no license authentication error is displayed.