Integrated Virtualization Foundation (HCI)

basic information

全学情報基盤システム ITC2022 では全学統合仮想化基盤 (HCI) を学内の複数部局で共同導入しました. この全学統合仮想化基盤の一部リソースを,学内一般利用向けに提供しています. 利用にあたり,機器リース料・メンテナンス費用の一部を分担金としてご負担いただきます.

usage rule

Please be aware of the following information in advance when using it.

  • About Service

    • The service is scheduled to be available until around January 2026.

      • Succession services are under consideration.

    • Depending on hardware resource usage, you may not be able to provide services or change virtual machine configuration

    • We have about weekly backups for emergencies, but we cannot guarantee the recovery of the latest data.

  • About Virtual Machine Management

    • Information Infrastructure Center management responsibilities are limited to Virtualization Infrastructure (HCI).

    • Virtual machine administrator is a member of our university with a valid UEC account.

    • User must deploy OS/application to virtual machines on HCI

      • The Information Infrastructure Center does not support the introduction, configuration, or use of the OS or application. Please use the software manufacturer’s documentation and community to take care of it yourself.

    • Be sure to install VM Tools on virtual machines

      • Installation varies by operating system. Please refer to the documentation for each operating system.

    • Operational maintenance including updates should be performed by the user

    • Please back up data

  • About Availability

    • The HCI is configured to be redundant against hardware failures, but cannot completely prevent system failures caused by failures. Alternatives should be provided by the user if necessary.

    • In the event of an emergency, such as a failure or a security incident, the Information Infrastructure Center may shut down the virtual machine without the permission of the user.

    • Virtual machine operations may stop temporarily for a short period of time due to the processing required for HCI management/maintenance

    • Virtual machines do not stop even in the event of a full university power outage, but peripheral services and network outages may affect the services that virtual machines provide.

  • Prohibited

    • Not available for commercial purposes only for academic purposes

      • Please be careful when using it for joint research with companies.

    • Do not overburden the hardware of the hardware.

      • Our HCI is not intended to be used for high performance calculations (HPCs). If ITC determines that other virtual machines will have a significant impact on them, they may stop them without your permission.

Allocate virtual machine resources (CPU, memory, storage)

Allocate resources based on per resource (RU). There are three types of resources: virtual CPU (vCPU), virtual memory (vMem), and virtual storage (vStrage).

The unit of resources is equivalent to one virtual CPU, 8GB virtual memory, and 512GB virtual storage.


Per Resource (RU) = 1 Virtual CPU (vCPU) = 8 GB Virtual Memory (vMem) =512 GB Virtual Storage (vStorage)

Virtual machine operation requires at least one vCPU, vMem, and vStorage per resource, totaling three resource units.


Minimum Virtual Machine Configuration: 3 Resource Units (RU)




8 GB


512 GB

必要に応じてリソース単位 (RU) を追加 することができます. 例えば,最小構成である 3 RUの仮想マシンに,メモリを8GB (= 1 RU)追加すると, 4 RU の仮想マシン (1 vCPU, 16 GB vMem, 512 GB vStorage) を利用することができます.

Pay yourself

Per Resource (RU)

twenty thousand yen per year

Minimum Virtual Machine Configuration (1vCPU, 8GB Mem, 512GB Storage)

60,000 yen per year (3 RU)

Resource Unit, please refer to Allocate virtual machine resources (CPU, memory, storage).

Usage and flow of usage

Start using a virtual machine

  1. ITC Fee Group Registration and Application for Virtual Machine Resource Units

    新規登録の場合も,仮想マシン リソース単位数変更の場合も同じフォームからお申し込みください. 詳しくは, 利用登録・変更 (ITC有償サービス グループ登録/変更) をご参照ください.

  2. Virtual Machine Creation Request

    See Create Virtual Machine and Change Resource Allocation Request.

  3. OS Installation

Install the OS on a Virtual Machine

  1. Log in to Virtualization Foundation (HCI)

    Log in from with the following ID/password


    Virtual Machine Administrator UEC Account


    Password for the UEC account


    The ID is not only a UEC account, but also a UEC account with

  2. Mount the ISO image for installation on a virtual machine

    Click \(\Rightarrow\) hci-datacenter \(\Rightarrow\) ITC paid group number \(\Rightarrow\) virtual machine name, and click Edit Settings… button



    CD/DVDドライブ をクリックし,メニューを展開する. プルダウンメニューから データストアISOファイル を選び, ステータスパワーオン時に接続 をチェックし, 参照… をクリックする.



    image-container \(\Rightarrow\) ISO から インストールするOSのISOイメージを選択し, OK をクリックする.



    Finally, click OK on the Edit Settings screen to close the window.

  3. Boot the virtual machine and install the OS

    Click to specify the virtual machine you want to boot and press the Power On button.

    マウントしたISOイメージが仮想マシンに正しく認識されると,仮想マシン電源ON後に, マウントしたISOイメージから,OSのインストーラーが起動します. 各OSのマニュアルにそって,OSをインストールする.



    If you are using Windows Server on the HCI, you can use the Windows Server Datacenter license contracted by the university. After installation, you will need to enter your product key for activation, so please contact .

  4. Install VMware Tools

    Refer to the documentation for each operating system and install Open VM Tools.

Stop/Reboot a Virtual Machine

  1. Log in to Virtualization Foundation (HCI)

    Log in from with the following ID/password


    Virtual Machine Administrator UEC Account


    Password for the UEC account


    The ID is not only a UEC account, but also a UEC account with

  2. Perform start/stop/restart from power action

    Select the virtual machine you want to perform and perform the desired operation from the right-click menu.


Delete a Virtual Machine

You cannot delete a virtual machine with general user privileges. Please follow the instructions in Delete Virtual Machine Request .


  • Please back up the necessary data before requesting deletion.

  • Unable to recover a virtual machine that has been deleted once


Use registration/change (ITC paid service group registration/change)

ITC有償サービス グループ登録・更新申請フォーム から グループ情報を登録・変更してください. グループ登録・変更の際, 仮想マシンリソースの申請 から, 必要なリソース単位数をしてください.

Allocate virtual machine resources (CPU, memory, storage).

Virtual machine creation/resource allocation change request

Please contact about the configuration of the virtual machine with the maximum number of registered virtual machine resources.


[仮想マシン (複数台ある場合はコピーしてください)]
・仮想マシン名称 (ホスト名, FQDN等):
・(ドライブ1) ストレージに割当てるリソース単位数: (複数ある場合はコピーしてください)
・ゲストOS (Windows11, Ubuntu 22.04など):

[仮想マシン管理者 (複数名いる場合はコピーしてください)]
  • Registration with DNS is not required for virtual machine name (hostname, FQDN, etc.)

  • The group number is notified to the group administrator in the registration completion notice at the time of ITC fee-based service registration.

  • Please refer to Allocate virtual machine resources (CPU,memory,storage) for information on how to specify resource units to be allocated to virtual machines.

  • Please note that if the resource unit allocated to the virtual machine exceeds the number of registered units, the registration operation will not be possible.

  • If you are creating more than one drive in the virtual machine, please specify the number of drives you need, e.g. (drive 2) Number of resource units allocated for storage:.

  • If you change the capacity of a specific drive in an existing virtual machine, it is recommended that you do not change it unless it is unavoidable. Please note that even if the change fails, the information center will not be able to recover.

  • 割当予定のIPアドレスには,事前にサブネット管理者から割当を受けて,利用できる状態になったIPアドレスをご指定ください.グローバルIPアドレスを指定する場合は,グローバルIPアドレスの利用申請も忘れずにお願いいたします.詳しくは グローバル IP アドレスの利用開始手続き をご参照ください.

Delete Virtual Machine Request

To delete a virtual machine, please send an e-mail to` <>`_ with the following information


Virtual Machine Administrator Change Request

To delete a virtual machine, please send an e-mail to` <>`_ with the following information

